HR Concept provides services in the field of human resource management, using over 20 years of experience.


We support our clients in building excellent and efficient teams in providing a well-matched workforce. Thanks to the knowledge of the candidates’ market, we find the most suitable people to match the open positions in our clients’ companies.

Leadership development

The importance of strong leadership becomes evident when we see the impact it has on employee involvement and corporate culture. In a situation where companies operate in an increasingly competitive labour market, the need for effective leadership development strategies is increased. HR Concept’s trainings include a variety of training modules for current and future leaders, such as an introduction to management, including leadership mindset, situational leadership, goal setting, giving feedback, building efficient teams as well as building employee engagement, leadership coaching and more. By developing the skills and attitudes of leaders, we create a more sustainable organisation and a better workplace.

Coaching/Action Learning

You can make a number of positive changes to your organization. Implementing coaching is one of the changes which is an effective development tool and an important part in the completion of closing development gaps, which are not fulfilled by other development methods. We believe that coaching helps people to grow, makes fundamental changes and enables to find ways out from situations in which people feel stuck in life. We offer individual and team/group coaching sessions. Coaching sessions are conducted according to the definition of the International Coach Federation ICF, whereby coaching is a partner cooperation with clients in provoking to make them think differently and initiate creative processes that inspire them to maximise their personal and potential. Through working with teams we recognize the importance of the action learning method. We help customers to address organizational needs by carrying out Action Learning sessions. Speaking of the Action Learning method, we understand it as a way of working with and developing people while working on a existing project or problem, as a way to learn through action.

Commitment and well-being employees

According to the Gallup research, employee involvement is a rare phenomenon and globally speaking, only 13% of employees are said to be involved in their work. The employees who are involved, stand out against those who are not (actively) involved, thanks to the constant additional effort they put into their work. These employees are eager to exceed expectations, work with passion and feel deeply connected with the company. Precisely these employees will drive innovation and push business forwards. Our approach is to support companies in building jobs that contribute to the commitment and wellbeing of employees. We do this by integrating various tools to evaluate and improve the involvement and well-being of employees. One of our methods is to create employee surveys, to collect this feedback and to measure levels of engagement. Using these results, we provide recommendations and help you design the most important activities.